For our final project, we set out to
write a Controller for the classic toy, the Etch-A-Sketch. What
this basically means, is that we use an Atmel micro controller to
control two stepper motors connected to the knobs of the Etch-A-Sketch.
Thus, an order by the chip to the motors would cause different
angled lines to show up in the Etch-A-Sketch making it possible
to draw complete pictures automatically.
Since we did not
want to force the chip to contain just one picture, it would have
to connect to a computer using the UART, and download pictures
from there. Thus we will write a small drawing program in Windows
that lets a user draw its schematic, and send it directly at the
serial port.
The reason we
chose to do this project was twofold. First, we thought it would
be very interesting to actually see an Etch-A-Sketch move by
itself. Secondly, we thought that the amount and diversity of the
work would be ideal. First we would need to write two large
programs, one in Atmel Assembly, and we’d have to build a
circuit. Also we were curious on how Stepper Motors worked.
Finally, since our budget was limited, it was ideal because the
only two items that we needed to buy was a power supply and the
Etch-A-Sketch toy.
High Level Design
Our setup has four
main sections: the Computer, the Micro controller, the stepper
control, and the Etch-A-Sketch, in serial order. All four
sections are relatively decoupled from each other, with the
exception of a small communication script in between each section.
This design is based on the standard computer network design
where there are seven layers separate from each other, and it has
a number of advantages. First, the decoupling enabled us to work
efficiently in parallel, taking separate tasks until the final
testing day when we join all the pieces. Thus, Felix would take
over the first two sections, the Computer, and the Micro
controller program, while Alex would take the last two. Second,
it has good modularity, in that we could easily switch any one of
the four sections with something else that has the same
communication interface, and the remaining items would not have
to be changed at all.
The first step is
the computer program. This would be a standard windows program
written in C++. It is basically a line drawing program, with
added Serial Port functionality so that it can send the points to
the Micro controller when it is requested. It works by letting
the user draw a series of connected lines. The program would then
format the lines so that they fit in a byte (125 values, positive
and negative with the extra 6 items reserved for handshaking, etc).
Then, whenever
requested this collection of bytes (for the points, with x and y
values alternating), are sent directly to the chip after a simple
handshaking procedure. A class description of this program is
attached in the appendix, and a more thorough description is also
attached in the Program Design section of this document.
The second step is
the Atmel Micro controller and its program. This program
basically has three functions, each called by one of the three
buttons on its board. The first, is a simple testing procedure
that loads some specified values in memory. This can be used not
only for our internal testing, but also for easy diagnostic of
the system in case something breaks (similar to the auto tests in
printers). The second button is more interesting, it also loads
the specified values in memory, but it loads them from the UART
input. Thus, it contains a compatible handshake with the computer,
and then it reads values from the UART one by one until it finds
the end code, or it runs out of memory.
The third button
takes care of sending the necessary voltages to the next step. It
loads the values from memory one by one. Then it alternates
between x and y values and does the following: For x values, it
converts them so that they are always positive, makes a note on
its sign, sets the delay factor for y, and the counter for x. For
the y values, it does the same conversion, but it only sets the
delay factor for x, and no count value. The reason for this
inverted formula is this:
CountX DelayY -------- = ---------- CountY DelayX because CountX * DelayX = DelayY * CountY
Thus we set count
x, and the two delays, and the y count automatically sets to the
correct value if the timers have the correct delay. The only
limitation of this system is that I cannot deal with values of 0.
My solution was simple – convert all zeros to ones. I can’t
have a straight horizontal or vertical line, but the distortion
is not very significant anyway.
Program/Hardware Design
For a better understanding of the windows
program, please refer to the attached class description, and the
supplied code. The general structure of the windows program is
the standard Single Document/View Architecture engineered by
Microsoft. This setup was preferable because it conveniently
splits up different parts of the program logically. Also,
Microsoft has a number of tools that support this Architecture,
which simplified development.The way it works is that the main function, called CEtchASketchApp, builds a window and creates three separate objects that control this window. Thus, when a message is sent, it goes to all three classes until it finds the one that controls that specific message.
The first object is the CetchASketchView object. It is in charge of handling all the drawing and input functions. Both of these connect to the Cpoints structure in the CetchASketchDoc (described below). The drawing basically goes through all the points in order and traces a line through them. Input basically adds to the point list. It also, however, makes sure that the points it adds are not bigger than 128 in length because that would crash the Micro Controller. Thus whenever it spots a longer distance, it splits the line into two. There is also a limit to the number of points, which is directly related to the number of points that the Atmel memory can hold.
The second object is the CetchASketchDoc. This is basically a controller for the Cpoints object. It includes file saving and loading by populating this object. It also includes a number of visual features such as warning boxes when saving, its own type of file (.eas) for easy lookup, and a feature to restart the Document completely, by clicking on new on the menu. The Cpoints object is basically an array of the Windows standard Cpoint object. It contains a number of functions for adding and viewing the points that simplify its access, along with a lookup of the maximum value in case we overextend by mistake.
The final object in the Architecture is CmainWnd. This object controls the general button management and any other item not used by the other two objects. It controls a couple of tweaks such as the About Box, which shows author comments, and the status box in the bottom. It also controls the Program Atmel button in the menu.
This menu button when called, first initializes the CserialPort object, which will be described soon. Then it takes care of handshaking – a simple Send FF, and receives the same. Once it gets past that, it then streams a string of all the points for the Atmel Controller to catch.
The Atmel Controller code as explained above, can basically be divided int three separate button sections, the initialize, the UART, and the two timers. The Initialization is fairly straightforward. It’s a linear code that basically starts up the UART and the Timer, initializes all the values, writes “Etch-A-Sketch” on the screen and goes on. The UART control is also fairly straightforward. It is basically the same circuit that was used in Lab 4. The three buttons are implemented pretty much in the same way that was described in the previous section, so I will not repeat the same here.
The two timers work generally the same way. One controls the the bottom four bits and the other upper four bits of the output pins. Thus we use the bottom four bits for the horizontal movement, and the upper four for the vertical movement. The timer values described in the previous section are used to set the interrupt delay of the timer. Thus, the interrupts alternate at differing speeds, and keep the TimCount calue as memory for how much they actually have drawn up to now.
This system means that the steppers do not actually move at the same time, but they alternate in very small steps. Thus we get a slightly jaggy picture, much like the aliasing done when drawing a diagonal line in a computer screen. The output is also sent to two ports at the same time. This was done for debugging purposes as one port can be connected to the leds and we can find what exactly is going on visually.
In order to drive
the knobs on the etch-a-sketch we use a couple of stepper motors.
These motors use a 12 volt supply. The manner in which our
stepper motors works is rather straight forward. Each motor
has 5 different color coded lines used to power and control the
motor. The black line is used to supply the 12 volts to the motor.
The rest of the four lines are used to control one of the four
coils in the motor. For example, if "coil 1" is
magnetized, then a permanent magnet aligns itself to the charged
color. This action thus rotates the shaft of the motor. In order
to magnetize a coil, the corresponding wire has to be connected
to ground. This causes voltage to flow through the coil, thus
magnetizing it. Considering that the motor had plenty of torque
to move the knobs on the etch-a-sketch, we decided to power one
coil at a time, as opposed to two coils, which produces more
torque, but takes up more power. In order to make the motor shaft
rotate clockwise, four coils were energized in succession. The
order was first the red wire, then the green, brown, and white.
This sequence is repeated as much as desired. In general, in
order to make a line (on the etch-a-sketch) which is about half
an inch long required the sequence to be repeated about 18 to 20
times. In order to make the knobs go counter clockwise the
sequence is reversed (white, brown, green, then red wires sent to
Well, this process
seems simple enough, but we had to figure out a way to switch the
current from the different coils in a quick manner, with the use
of the five volts given to use by the PortA pins. In order to do
this, we decided to use transistors, which would be turned on (saturated)
and off by the micro controller. We ended up using a couple of
transistors for each wire that was would allow current to flow
through the various coils. Our initial design used Tip31C power
transistors. These are npn transistors which are rather "heavy
duty". One of our big problems was the inability to supply
enough current to the transistor base in order to switch in one.
So we eventually used 3904 transistors to help out.The 3904
amplified the current so that we had enough current to turn the
larger power transistor on. We also connected 1K resistors to the
base of the 3904s. This assembly is used eight times, one for
each coil.
The schematic for the picture is shown in figure 1.
1. This circuit is the switching circuit we used.
When 5 volts is supplied to the base of the
3904 transistor, the switch is turned "on". But it is
also interesting to note that in order to have the motors give
use the desired response, the high voltage given to each of these
circuits had to be very short, or else the shaft of the motor
would begin to vibrate, rather than turn hard and stay when
having a coil connected to ground. This is probably due to the
fact that the power transistor are not completely saturated. What
is happening is that it is flickering on and off, thus causing
the shaft to vibrate.
We also had to solve a problem of actually
mounting the motors to the knobs of the etch-a-sketch. One of the
initial concerns was that enough torque may not be provided by
the motors. If this was the case, then we would have had to come
up with some sort of gear assembly. But we decided to go with a
straight coupling with the use of the white knobs which came with
the etch-a-sketch. And fortunately we ended up having enough
torque in order to give us what we needed. We also had to create
some sort of mount for the motors. This ended up being a simple
bar of metal with holes drilled in it. The mount and the coupling
were creating with the help of Nathan Jauvtis, a Cornell
mechanical engineering student. In the end, everything fitted
just about perfectly for us.
Results of the Design
Unfortunately, we were not able to meet our
main objective, which was to create a project in which we can
draw something in Windows and replicate it on a etch-a-sketch
with the use of the micro controller and a couple of stepper
motors. But we were able to make the stepper motors actually draw
on the etch-a-sketch, which ended up being very satisfying. The
mount and coupling for the motors worked very well. Also, we were
probably somewhat fortunate that the motors had enough torque to
be able to turn the etch-a-sketch knobs. In order to make the
knobs "lose", and making the probability of the
straight coupling work we also had to "break in" the
toy. In other words, just play with it a lot.
What we would do different next time
We spent a long time trying to get
the serial connection to work in a clean fashion, and in the end
I don’t believe it paid off. The plan was to create a
completely separate class that could be reused for any Serial
Interface I might want to create. This implied having two child
threads controlling the input/output along with a myriad of
generic options. If we had done this again, this functionality
would not be here. We ran into some evil threading
synchronization problem that took way too much time to fix.
Another item we
would have done differently is gotten a better power supply. The
one we had, used very little amperage and we had a hard time
keeping it powered. Something better would have definitely made
our life easier.Unfortunately a power supply with a larger
current was several times more expensive.
We tried to do
most of the project in parallel, which made things efficient. But
at the same time we found it difficult to test how the various
parts worked together since during the last two weeks our
schedules were not compatible at all. It would have helped us
greatly in completing our project completely if we had more time
to test the various components together.
Program ListingAssembly
4414 Def
Windows Source(ZIP)
Windows Program(executable)